🗊Презентация The movies

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Слайд 1

The Movies 
Описание слайда:
The Movies Samieh.Lahiji@gmail.Com

Слайд 2

Movie Vocabulary 
The kind of movie is called GENRE. 
The PLOT is what the movie about. 
In a movie, the actors play CHARACTERS.
The ACTORS are the people 
who are in the movie.
Описание слайда:
Movie Vocabulary The kind of movie is called GENRE. The PLOT is what the movie about. In a movie, the actors play CHARACTERS. The ACTORS are the people who are in the movie.

Слайд 3

Different movie genres! 
Romantic Comedy:
The plot of Romantic Comedies is usually about two people who fall in love and have funny things happen to them.
Описание слайда:
Different movie genres! Romantic Comedy: The plot of Romantic Comedies is usually about two people who fall in love and have funny things happen to them.

Слайд 4

Different movie genres! 
These movies are very serious with powerful characters and a strong plot.
Описание слайда:
Different movie genres! Drama: These movies are very serious with powerful characters and a strong plot.

Слайд 5

Different movie genres! 
Comedies are very funny movies that are designed to make us laugh!
Описание слайда:
Different movie genres! Comedy: Comedies are very funny movies that are designed to make us laugh!

Слайд 6

Different movie genres! 
Horror movies are made to scare you! There’s usually a monster!
Описание слайда:
Different movie genres! Horror: Horror movies are made to scare you! There’s usually a monster!

Слайд 7

Different movie genres! 
Action movies are high-energy and contain lots of stunts and fight scenes.
Описание слайда:
Different movie genres! Action: Action movies are high-energy and contain lots of stunts and fight scenes.

Слайд 8

Different movie genres! 
An animated movie looks like a cartoon. The characters can be human or animals. It’s common for famous actors to provide the voices for some of the characters.
Описание слайда:
Different movie genres! Animated: An animated movie looks like a cartoon. The characters can be human or animals. It’s common for famous actors to provide the voices for some of the characters.

Слайд 9

Different movie genres! 
In a musical there is always a lot of singing and dancing!
Описание слайда:
Different movie genres! Musical: In a musical there is always a lot of singing and dancing!

Слайд 10

Different movie genres! 
Sci-Fi movies are very imaginative. The setting is usually on another planet or a far-away land with unknown aliens. They usually take place far into the future.
Описание слайда:
Different movie genres! Science-fiction: Sci-Fi movies are very imaginative. The setting is usually on another planet or a far-away land with unknown aliens. They usually take place far into the future.

Слайд 11

Thank you
Описание слайда:
Thank you

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